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    Orthodontics consists of the Greek words ‘ortho’ (regular) and ‘odons’ (tooth). Orthodontics is a dental treatment that deals with the proper alignment of teeth on the dental bones and the treatment of facial irregularities.


    Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that diagnoses and treats perplexed and incompatible teeth. It is in continuous cooperation with other dentistry branches. Orthodontics treats not only teeth, but also mid and ower facial disorders. In orthodontics treatment, it examines the position of the upper and lower jaw to each other and the skull base and the relations of the teeth in 3 dimensions

    What is Orthodontics ?


    It is difficult to have a beautiful smile with perplexed or sparse teeth. Distortion in the teeth not only causes aesthetic problems. Since it reduces the brushing effect, it also increases the risk of tooth decay. Sparse teeth negatively affect the chewing function and the health of the tissues around the tooth. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, cessation and treatment of dental and skeletal anomalies.

    With protective and preventive orthodontics treatment, early intervention can be prevented by attaching problems with simple appliances in the early ages or the patient can complete the wire treatment in a shorter time. For this, children from the age of 7 should see an orthodontic specialist once a year. Short and simple interventions at an early age save the person from more costly and longer treatments in the future.

    It is very important to preserve the location of the milk teeth lost early due to trauma or caries, and to be able to come out of the tooth that will replace the milk tooth in a normal way. Appliances that are permanently adhered to the teeth or removable appliances can be protected by the gaps in the future of the teeth.

    Orthodontics treatment is needed for the correct alignment of teeth before treatments such as implants, crowns, bridges. Individuals with lower jaw and upper jaw ahead or gray should be treated at an early age. In people with jaw problems and late treatment, the jaws are repositioned by surgical operation after  wire treatment.

    Why Orthodontics Problems Occur ?


    If the patient’s upper – lower jaw structure is behind during adolescence, it is possible to treat it with orthodontic techniques. The treatment method is decided by considering the problems such as the lower jaw behind or in front of the patient’s age.

    Finger sucking, using bottle or pacifier for a long time, eating nails, etc. The habitual versions that should not be done can cause orthodontic problems. These habits should be treated as early as possible. Prevention of these habits at an early age is important for the completion of skeletal development.

    The tongue is larger than it should be, the tooth cavities are drawn, etc. situations cause dislocation in the teeth. If the jaw structure to which the teeth are held is small or the teeth are large, the teeth may not fit in the jaw and distortions occur in the teeth.

    Early or late loss of milk teeth can cause distorted teeth. Other teeth slide into the space created by the deciduous milk teeth before time. Since the teeth that need to come out of there cannot find a place for themselves, they create perplexity.

    How are Orthodontics Problems Treated ?


    First, the patient undergoes a clinical examination by the dentist. Analyzes are made on the photograph, plaster models and x-rays taken from the patient. The patient is diagnosed and the appropriate treatment method is decided.

    Orthodontics problems in the mouth can be determined by fixed appliances, functional appliances and mobile appliances. Non-advanced orthodontic problems can be solved with mobile appliances that the patient can use by plugging in and out.

    In order to prevent deterioration in treatments made with the end of orthodontic treatments, reinforcement treatments should not be neglected. During this period, different appliances working passively can be used.

    Is Treatment Possible Without Wiring ?


    Thanks to the transparent plates, the teeth can be straightened without using wire. With this technique, it cannot be understood that the patient is under orthodontic treatment. Transparent plates are easier to use than a conventional bracket system. However, transparent plaques cannot be applied to every orthodontic case. It is suitable for people with only a few teeth with mild distortion or with small gaps between their teeth.

    Transparent or white porcelain brackets can be used for people who do not like the appearance of metal brackets. It was previously known that the treatment time of porcelain brackets takes longer than metal brackets. This difference disappeared with the development of porcelain brackets. The lingual orthodontics technique, in which the brackets are attached to the back of the tooth, is another alternative. However, the application areas of lingual brackets and porcelain brackets are limited. Your orthodondist will choose the most appropriate treatment option for you.

    We recommend patients to care about how the teeth will look after treatment rather than how the teeth will look after treatment. Orthodontics treatment lasts for months, but a lifetime will remain with these results, not months after treatment. Therefore, if our patient focuses on the result rather than the treatment technique, the treatment process is much more comfortable for them.

    When openbite treatment, which manifests itself as the upper and lower teeth not closing, is performed at an early age, the patient does not need to wear a fixed wire at an advanced age.

    Dental treatments are successfully performed in Estheticana. Contact us to get your treatment in our clinic and to learn the prices of orthodontic treatment.




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