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    Beard Transplant


    Having rare beards is not an insoluble. With beard transplant, the person can easily get bushy beards.

    Beard Transplant

    What is Beard Transplant ?


    Beards, which directly affect the appearance of the person, sometimes do not have the desired strength. With beard transplantation, the patient’s sparse beards are made bushy. Beard implant is the transplant of hair follicles taken from areas where the patient’s beard is dense, to the rare areas. Hair roots taken from the patient’s own body are used in the operation.

    For beard implant, hair roots are taken in areas where the beard is dense. These regions are called donor regions. As the donor region, hair follicles on the cheekbones are generally used. hair follicles in this area are often bothers people and look bad. Thanks to the beard transplant, both this bad image disappears and the patient has stronger beards.

    Causes of Beard Loss


    Beards can grow infrequently for many reasons or fall out later. We can divide these reasons into 3:

    1. Hormone Rarely Beard Rare: One of the most common causes of beard rarity are hormonal causes. A low testosterone hormone in men can cause beard rarity.

    2. Genetically Originated Beard Rarity: Beards that begin to mature and develop with adolescence continue to grow unless there is a hormonal change. But if the patient’s family has a rare beard, there is a possibility that the patient may also be.

    3. Beard Rarity as a result of External Factors: Accidents, especially burns, can permanently damage hair follicles. Due to breaking hair, stress, skin problems and psychological reasons, the patient’s beard may become sparse.

    Often the only solution to having sparse beards is beard transplant. If the beards have been poured irreversibly for various reasons, beard implant is needed. Beard deficiency is an aesthetic problem. This can be applied to anyone who is disturbed by the problem.

    What is Beard Transplant ?


    Beards, which directly affect the appearance of the person, sometimes do not have the desired strength. With beard implant, the patient’s sparse beards are made bushy. Beard transplant is the transplant of hair follicles taken from areas where the patient’s beard is dense, to the rare areas. Hair roots taken from the patient’s own body are used in the operation.

    For beard transplant, hair roots are taken in areas where the beard is dense. These regions are called donor regions. As the donor region, hair follicles on the cheekbones are generally used. hair follicles in this area are often bothers people and look bad. Thanks to the beard hair implant, both this bad image disappears and the patient has stronger beards.

    General Information About Beard Transplant


    - Beard transplant operation has almost the same procedures as hair transplant.

    - Operation time is approximately 2 – 5 hours.

    - It is performed with local anesthesia.

    - After the operation, the patient can return home on the same day.

    - It is an operation that can be easily performed by a successful and experienced doctor.

    - During the operation, hair follicles taken from one’s own body are used. Transplants taken from someone else or prosthesis and similar are not performed.

    - Beard implantation is a permanent procedure. The probability of the transplanted roots to fall out is almost zero.

    How is a Beard Transplant Done ?



    In general, the steps of the operation are as follows:

    The hair roots in the donor area are collected one by one for transplant. Beard region is preferred for beard transplant as a donor region. If there is not enough beard for transplant in the patient’s beard area, other areas in the patient’s body can be used as a donor area.

    After the hair follicles in the donor area are collected, channels are opened so that these roots can be transplanted to beardless areas. Hair follicles collected from the donor area are transplanted to the opened channels.

    Very care must be taken when the canals are opened and the hair follicles are placed. The direction and angle of the hair roots in the region where the transplant is performed should be determined correctly. For the results of the operation to be natural, it is imperative that the beards are transported with the correct angle and direction.

    After this procedure, there is no permanent scar in either the donor area or the transplant area. During the operation, quite attentive and careful.

    Before Beard Transplant


    One should take some precautions before beard transplant. Our patient consultants and doctors in Estheticana will inform you in detail about these measures. It is very important to consider the suggestions and directives of your doctor and consultant so that the operation will be successful.

    The process before beard implantation is briefly as follows:

    - The patient is informed in detail before the operation.

    - How many grafts the patient needs for transplant are determined before beard transplant.

    - The donor area where the hair follicles will be taken for the transplant is determined.

    - It should be determined whether the patient’s state of health is suitable for the operation, and necessary tests and tects are performed before the operation.

    - The patient’s health history is learned completely.

    What should be considered before hair and beard transplant?

    - The patient is asked to stop smoking some time before the operation. Because there is a possibility that smoking may increase the risk of complications during the operation.

    - Before the operation, the use of blood thinners should be stopped.

    - The patient should prefer easy-to-wear and wearable clothes on the day of the operation. (Shirts, loose T-shirts, etc.) This is important for the garment not to rub against the beards after the operation.

    After Beard Transplant


    Serious side effects do not usually occur after beard transplantation. After the operation, it is necessary to pass a certain period of time for the beard to grow and grow. The process after beard transplant is briefly as follows:

    - Slight redness and crusting may occur in the areas treated after the operation.

    - The treated areas are cleaned 1 or 2 days after the operation. During cleaning, crusts and rashes are greatly reduced.

    - The transplanted area has a natural appearance 1 week after the operation.

    - The donor area usually heals within 2 weeks.

    - The beard transplanted 6 months after the operation begins to reach the result.

    - In 1 year, the final result is obtained.

    Beards emerging after beard transplant will be different at first. This is because the transplanted beards are hair follicles. Hair root is softer than beards. There is no need to worry about this. Transplanted hair follicles will adapt to the area they are in time and will become thicker – harder.

    Estheticana successfully carries out beard transplant operations with its expert team and the latest technology tools it uses. You can also contact us to learn more about beard transplant with free consultation and to learn about beard transplant costs.




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