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    9 Reasons To Get A Hair Transplant

    9 Reasons To Get A Hair Transplant - Estheticana image

     Are you experiencing hair loss? Are you hesitant about having a hair transplant? With hair transplantation, you can have permanent hair in a short time. Hair transplantation is ideal not only for those who have hair loss but also for those who have thinning hair or irregular hairline. Reasons to get a hair transplant: 

    9 Reasons to Get a Hair Transplantation

    1. Natural Results

    The biggest problem of those who experience hair loss is the loss of their hairlines. Hairline design is done with great care in hair transplantation. Thanks to the hair design made to suit the face shape of the patient, your hair will look natural as if it has never been shed. The results of a successful hair transplant operation will be completely natural. Also, there will be no scars after the operation.

    2.100% Painless Hair Transplantation

    Hair transplant operations are not painful. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Thanks to sedation, even the pain to be felt during local anesthesia will not be felt. You can have 100% painless hair transplantation with sedation. Click here for more information about painless hair transplantation.

    3. Increased Self-Confidence

    Hair loss can cause you to lose your self-esteem. With hair transplantation, you can regain your lost self-confidence.

    Those who experience male pattern hair loss should have hair transplantation. After having a hair transplant, you will say I wish I had it before.

    4. Lasting Results

    The results of the hair transplant operation are permanent. You can get completely natural and permanent results with FUE, Sapphire FUE or DHI technique.

    In the hair transplant operation, the hair follicles transplanted are taken from the area where hair loss will not occur. Transplanted hair grows naturally throughout the life of the patient.

    5. Safe Hair Transplantation

    Hair transplant operations are safe. Hair transplant operation does not harm your vital organs and body. We have not faced a serious risk in any operation we have done so far.

    6.You Can Get Rid of Harmful Drugs

    Many drugs are used to stop hair loss. Thanks to hair transplantation, you do not need to use these harmful chemicals. Hair transplant operations give permanent results and save you from the need for these drugs for life.

    7.Affordable Hair Transplant Prices

    You don’t need to be very rich to have a hair transplant. Hair transplant prices in Turkey are quite affordable compared to Europe.

    We are working to provide the best service to our patients in our hospital. For this, we only accept 3 patients in a day. If you want to be among our lucky patients, you can contact us.

    8.Fast Recovery Time

    After hair transplant operation, the patient is discharged. He/she can resume his work or normal activities within a few days. However, there are some things that the patient should pay attention to after the operation. You can read this post for these things.

    9. Last Reason Get a Hair Transplant: Refreshes Your Look

    We cannot ignore the importance of appearance in interpersonal communication and business life. With hair transplantation, you will look younger and better. Thanks to hair transplantation, you can wash and style your hair without fear of losing it.

    Thanks to the benefits of the hair transplant operation, many women and men suffering from hair loss prefer this treatment. In our hospital, we work with a well-equipped and expert staff who can guarantee you a successful procedure. Fill in the contact form to contact us.


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    You can contact us to get information about hair transplantation in our clinic and to learn how you can benefit from this information. By having an initial consultation with Estheticana, you can send photos of the front, top, sides (right-left), and back of your head.

    Our patient consultants are here to explain the procedure and prepare a treatment plan for your expectation. Fill out the form and our consultants will contact you shortly.

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