Graft calculation in hair transplantation is one of the most important steps for successful operation. We can say that the success of the operation depends on the success of graft calculation. Taking a graft to completely cover the transplant area will ensure that the donor area is not damaged more than necessary and the transplant looks natural.
One of the terms frequently encountered by those who want to have hair transplantation is graft. The graft contains one or more hair follicles and some tissue. For example; 2500 grafts contain an average of 5000 – 7000 hair follicles.
The concept of graft and hair follicle are different from each other. Hair follicle refers to only one hair follicle. The graft can contain more than one hair follicle. Everyone’s hair structure is different from each other. The grafts found in every patient do not contain the same number of hair follicles. While some people have an average of 2.5 hair follicles in a graft, some people may have this 3-4.
Grafts are taken from the donor area. The ideal donor area is the back of the head. This area between the two ears behind the head is the most used donor area. However, some patients may not have enough grafts in the neck area. In this case, regions other than the patient’s body can be used as donor areas. Other areas other than the nape that can be used as donor sites: Beard, shoulder, arms, chest and legs.
This varies from person to person. Everyone’s degree of hair loss is different. Therefore, a different number of grafts are required for each hair transplant. How many grafts will be used in hair transplantation:
• The degree of hair loss of the patient,
• Hair density in the donor area,
• The age of the patient and
• It depends on the hair structure.
For example; At least 5000 grafts may be required for a patient with hair loss in both the front and top of the head. 2000 – 2500 grafts may be sufficient for a patient with only openings in the front of their hair.
Graft calculation in hair transplantation is the determination of the number of grafts that will cover the hair loss in that area by analyzing the area to be transplanted by a specialist. Graft calculation is important for correct hair transplantation. If fewer grafts are transplanted than the patient’s needs, the results of hair transplantation will not appear as desired.
Before hair transplant operation, the graft calculation is made by the doctors. How much grafts the patient needs are determined. Then, this amount of grafts are taken from the donor area. The hair follicles taken are transferred to the balding areas.
Contact us to determine the number of grafts you need according to your hair loss.
You can use Norwood Hair Scale when calculating graft in hair transplantation. The graft calculation you will make over the internet gives you an estimated result. Contact our experts for exact results.
Several factors should be considered for the correct graft calculation. Chief among these is the size of the patient’s balding area. The amount of graft to be taken may vary depending on the density of the hair in the donor area. For a good hair transplant, there should be enough hair follicles in the donor area. The hair strand and hair structure of the patient are also one of the determining factors in graft calculation.
You can contact us for free hair analysis. For this, you can fill in the contact form or leave a message to us.
You can contact us to get information about hair transplantation in our clinic and to learn how you can benefit from this information. By having an initial consultation with Estheticana, you can send photos of the front, top, sides (right-left), and back of your head.
Our patient consultants are here to explain the procedure and prepare a treatment plan for your expectation. Fill out the form and our consultants will contact you shortly.
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