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    How Can I Fix My Hairline? Receding Hairline Treatment

    How Can I Fix My Hairline? Receding Hairline Treatment - Estheticana image

     Hair usually begins to fall out of the hairline. What is the treatment for receding hairline? The best solution to this problem is hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is an operation that requires experience and knowledge.

    Best Treatment For Receding Hairline: Hair Transplant

    Hair transplantation is the ideal solution for hairline loss. With hair transplantation, your front hairline can be reconstructed. However, for hair transplantation to look natural, the front hairline design must be done correctly.

    The hairline should be designed by the face shape. This is possible with aesthetic views and knowledge. Therefore, the anterior hairline design was made under the control of expert surgeons.

    The recession of the hairline is a problem mostly experienced by men. However, the hairline can also be retracted in women. In this case, hair transplant operation is recommended for women as well as for men.

    Stop Receding Hairline!!

    Hairline Loss in Women

    Among the reasons behind the hairline in women; androgenetic female pattern hair loss and hereditary characteristics. Hair transplantation is the most preferred treatment method for women with a wide forehead where the hairline is behind. Before deciding on hair transplantation, it should be ensured that the hairline stops receding. If the shedding continues, the targeted success may not be achieved.

    Things to Consider When Making Hairline Design

    Many factors should be considered while designing the hairline. These:

    • The sex of the patient
    • The size of the bald area
    • Number of grafts in the donor area
    • Head shape and size
    • Face structure
    • Age of the patient
    • Patient’s wishes
    • Hair loss intensity

    Hairline Design

    Hairline design is the point where art and science meet. The hairline design varies according to the person. The same measurement techniques are not used for everyone. In the hairline design, the boundary of the natural hairline is determined first. This limit can be raised a little more depending on the patient’s head shape and age. In patients with a wide head structure, the hairline should be created at a wide-angle and combined with the temple area. In patients with a narrow head shape, the hairline should be concave.

    Hair density and distribution in the area where the hairline begins should be calculated correctly. The angles of the temporal spaces formed on the right and left of the V shape should be equal to each other. All criteria must be planned correctly to create a natural hairline.

    The natural frontal hairline has an irregular structure consisting of indentations and protrusions. In short, the natural hairline has a mixed but regular appearance. The recesses and protrusions of the hair follicles to be transplanted should resemble the natural hairline. The direction of hair follicles should be the same as natural hair follicles.

    The hairline being too far behind causes the patient to continue to look bald. The very prominent hairline does not look natural. The protrusion of the hairline can cause the hair to look like a wig.

    Hairline Treatment: Hair Density in the Hairline

    The grafts in the anterior hairline usually contain single hair follicles. For this reason, grafts to be transplanted to this area should have single hair follicles. Double and triple hair follicles should come after single hair follicles. The density should increase back from the hairline. Too little hair transplantation causes that area to continue to look bald. Excessive hair transplantation causes the hair follicles not to be adequately nourished. Therefore, when calculating the hair density, the number of grafts to be transplanted should be determined according to the size of the hair loss area.

    You can also contact us if you want to have a hair transplant for the hairline or learn about hairline transplant cost.


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    You can contact us to get information about hair transplantation in our clinic and to learn how you can benefit from this information. By having an initial consultation with Estheticana, you can send photos of the front, top, sides (right-left), and back of your head.

    Our patient consultants are here to explain the procedure and prepare a treatment plan for your expectation. Fill out the form and our consultants will contact you shortly.

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