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    Post-Eyebrow Transplant Process

    Post-Eyebrow Transplant Process - Estheticana image

    Post-eyebrow transplant process. Eyebrows may fall out for any reason or the person’s eyebrows may be congenitally sparse. If you want to have thicker eyebrows, you should consider having an eyebrow transplant.


    How is Eyebrow Transplantation Done?

    Eyebrow design is made to the patient before the eyebrow transplantation. The patient is made ready for the operation. Local anesthesia is applied before the operation. Grafts are collected from the donor area. For the grafts to be transplanted, channels are opened to the browless area. (This stage is not required for eyebrow transplantation with the DHI technique.) The collected grafts are transferred to the eyebrow area. No incision is made during eyebrow transplantation. In this way, there is no scar after the operation.

    The operation is done without cutting the skin. The existing eyebrow roots and veins in the transplant area are not damaged during the procedure. There is no permanent scar after the eyebrow transplant operation performed with the DHI technique.


    Post-Eyebrow Transplant

    Eyebrow transplantation should be performed in a fully equipped hospital by an experienced team. Serious risks are not common in eyebrow transplant operations. The biggest risk in eyebrow transplantation is that the expected results cannot be achieved. Side effects are usually temporary and expected situations.

    There is no need to stay in the hospital after the operation. The patient can go back home or to the hotel. After the eyebrow transplant, you can return to daily life in a short time.

    After the operation, there may be small crusting, redness and tenderness in the applied areas.


    Eyebrow Loss After Eyebrow Transplantation

    You may notice that the transplanted eyebrows begin to fall off 2 weeks after the operation. This shouldn’t worry you. This stage, called shock loss, is a part of the healing process. After the shock loss phase is over, your eyebrows will grow more healthily.


    Dos and Don’ts After Eyebrow Transplantation

    • The most important thing to be careful about during the healing process is that the eyebrows should never be touched.

    • Do not swim in the pool or sea for a while after the operation.

    • Activities such as sauna and solarium should not be done.

    • Your eyebrows should be protected from the harmful effects of the sun as long as your doctor will tell.

    • Difficult sports that may cause sweating should be suspended.

    • Smoking should be suspended.

    • The doctor’s instructions should be followed.


    Post-Eyebrow Transplant Healing Process

    The healing process takes place in the first 2 weeks after eyebrow transplant. It is natural to see redness on the eyebrows after the operation. These rashes will disappear in a short time. If redness and sensitivity do not disappear, you should consult your doctor.

    Although very rare, side effects can be seen after eyebrow transplantation. However, if you pay attention to everything the doctor has to say, if you use your care products regularly and use your medications without interruption, your rate of experiencing these side effects is close to zero. After the eyebrow transplant in Estheticana, our team will support you throughout the healing process.

    It takes about 7-8 months for the healing process to finish completely and for the eyebrows to take their final shape. You can see the final results of eyebrow transplantation 7-8 months after the operation.


    Do Eyebrow Transplants Look Natural?

    Wrong applications cause an unnatural appearance. If the operation is not performed by a specialist surgeon and his team, eyebrow transplantation will not look natural.

    Failure to transplant the hair follicles in the right direction and angle causes the eyebrows to look bad. The roots that are transplanted at a right angle cause the eyebrows to look like thorns. Roots transplanted in the wrong direction cause a very confused and artificial appearance. Hair follicles transplanted in the right angle and direction will look like your natural eyebrows.

    The desired results will not be obtained in very rare or very frequent transplants.

    Eyebrow design made to the patient before the eyebrow transplantation is also important for naturalness. An eyebrow design that is not suitable for the your face shape will give you a bad image.

    Thanks to our experienced team and the latest technology tools we use, our operation results look 100% natural. You can contact us for ‘eyebrow transplantation before and after photos‘.



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    You can contact us to get information about hair transplantation in our clinic and to learn how you can benefit from this information. By having an initial consultation with Estheticana, you can send photos of the front, top, sides (right-left), and back of your head.

    Our patient consultants are here to explain the procedure and prepare a treatment plan for your expectation. Fill out the form and our consultants will contact you shortly.

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